Infant feeding

We’re here to help you bond with and feed your baby.

Division: Women's and Children's services division
General manager: Joanne Edwards

Feeding your baby

Breast feeding

Breast milk is amazing – it packs all the right nutrients and goodness to give your baby a great start in life. It promotes bonding, and it’s good for you, too.

Our trained midwives and midwifery assistants will help you get started as soon as possible after birth. Find out more about breast feeding at

Sign up to our infant feeding classes.

Other ways to feed your baby

We’ll always promote breast feeding as the best choice for you and your baby. If you choose not to breast feed, you’ll need to bring pre-mixed formula with you.

If your baby requires formula milk because they are ill, premature, or it’s part of their treatment, we’ll provide formula for you.

More information on infant feeding

Find out more about infant feeding and skin-to-skin contact in your pregnancy: