
Central Middlesex Hospital front entrance

Help shape the future of surgery

Patients and local people across north west London are being asked for their views on a proposal to create a centre of excellence for inpatient orthopaedic surgery at Central Middlesex Hospital, Park Royal.

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Month long lecture of rehab talks

Rehab team offer head-to-toe healing

 The importance of rehabilitation in the recovery of intensive care patients is the subject of a month-long session of daily talks taking place at Ealing and Northwick Park intensive care units. 

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Central Middlesex Hospital front entrance

Sickle cell public engagement event

LNWH is holding a public engagement event for patients, service users and other community members affected by sickle cell disease.

Over the last year, the Trust has made significant improvements to its sickle cell service, including establishing a dedicated sickle cell admission area on its haematology ward, appointing a new sickle cell consultant and appointing a new sickle cell nurse consultant.

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