
Nursing associate Victoria Kinmouth-Gordon formerly worked as cabin crew with British Airways

High flier lands perfect job with babies

Victoria Kinmonth-Gordon’s high-flying career was grounded during the pandemic but the loss of one pair of wings allowed the air hostess to take flight in another direction.

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Ralph Schafer picks up his Mentor of the Year Award from Brunel University

Ralph celebrates a hat-trick

Ralph Schafer who has been named Student Nursing Associate Mentor of the Year for the third successive year by Brunel University.

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Haravanti Kotecha and her sons at home

Home help for patients

A hospital team helping keep patients out of hospital came to the aid of former seamstress Haravanti Kotecha who was housebound by badly swollen legs.

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Poetry is now on permanent display at CMH

Poems for the Waiting Room

Central Middlesex Hospital has hosted the launch of the latest collection of ‘Poems for the Waiting Room’ giving patients and visitors the chance to enjoy a variety of bi-lingual poems reflecting the different communities that live in the area.

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Midwife Mercy Sigauke has won the trust's annual Gwen Richardson midwifery award

Midwifery award for Mercy

Mercy Sigauke isn’t often stuck for words but when she has won the annual Sister Gwen Richardson Midwifery Award it initially left her speechless.

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St Mark's logo

New test for bowel cancer

Local clinicians have developed a new method of detecting bowel cancer among patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

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Ealing Cottage Hospital

History of Ealing Hopsital

Did you know small community funded ‘cottage hospitals provided care for people in Ealing before the creation of the NHS, or that a local nurse was awarded the highest civilian honour for bravery for saving a patient’s life?

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