Join our research

Research is all about making care and treatment better for everyone. From the way we diagnose illnesses to the medicines and treatment of the future, it touches almost every part of health and care.

And we can’t do it without your help. Even if a study might not help you directly, you will help people just like you, from all over the world.

Who we're looking for

We’re always looking for volunteers who either:

  • have a specific condition we’re currently researching, or
  • are usually fit and healthy

If that sounds like you, chat to your consultant or GP to make sure you’re an ideal candidate to take part.

Your consent for research

Joining a trial

You may be asked by your healthcare professional to join a trial. You’ll have time to decide if it’s right for you, and we’ll give you all the information you need to make a decision.

We will:

  • only ask you if we think the study is right for you
  • encourage you to ask any questions you may have.

The person leading the research, or another healthcare professional, will:

  • talk you through the study
  • help you understand what will happen
  • any potential risks involved.

You’ll receive an information sheet which includes:

  • the name of the study
  • information about the study
  • what is involved in the study
  • who you should contact if you have any questions about the study.

Take your time to decide if research is right for you and talk about it with your friends and family.

What’s involved

Depending on the study, we may ask you to:

  • fill in a diary, answer surveys, or take part in an interview
  • take diagnostic tests, such as blood tests or scans
  • help us compare one medicine or treatment to another

Some research studies may involve:

  • surgical procedures
  • treatments and therapies
  • new medical devices or implants
  • education and prevention


Some research studies will pay you for your time, others will pay for your travel and food while you’re here. However, some studies don’t pay at all, so we really rely on your good will to help us make care better for tomorrow.

Find out more about research at

Types of organisations that do research

Our clinical teams undertake lots of research, and we also host researchers and studies from other organisations, too.

  • Non-commercial research is usually undertaken by our researchers and medical students, charities, or other NHS organisations
  • Commercial research is usually sponsored by private companies, like pharmaceutical companies or private healthcare providers.

We will always tell you who is funding, sponsoring, or undertaking the study.

Safety and oversight

All research in the England and Wales is regulated by the Health Research Authority, in partnership with other bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

Before a study starts, it has to be approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Their job is to ensure the research is ethical, safe, and well designed.

Before we decide to host a study, we review all the research that’s taken place so far to ensure it complies with all relevant legislation and guidelines.

Chat to us

We’re always looking for new and exciting studies, so drop us a line if you’d like to chat about your needs.