1. Home

  2. About us

    1. Our HEART values
      1. Our anti-racism statement
    2. Our Trust board
      1. Register of interests and declarations
      2. Board in common meetings
    3. Our Way Forward
      1. Empowering quality: elevating care and careers
    4. Our publications
      1. Annual General Meeting
      2. Annual report and accounts
      3. Board assurance framework
      4. Declarations and statements
      5. Invoices over £25,000
      6. Patient safety incident response framework
      7. Quality accounts
      8. Quality and performance reports
      9. Trust board papers
    5. Latest news
  3. Your care

    1. Urgent and emergency care
      1. Get the right care for you
    2. Online appointment letters
    3. Staying on our waiting list
    4. Planned procedure or endoscopy
      1. MyPreOp questionnaire
      2. During your stay
      3. Mealtimes, food, and menus
    5. Outpatient appointments
      1. Video appointments
      2. Picking up medicines
      3. Change my appointment
      4. Blood tests
    6. Important information about your care
      1. How to send us photos or videos of your body
      2. Our electronic patient record
      3. Chaperones
      4. Giving your consent
      5. Your medical records
      6. View your records online
      7. Referral to treatment
      8. Information for people who are transgender, intersex, or non-binary
      9. Overseas visitors
      10. Single sex accommodation
      11. Privacy policy
    7. Help and support during your stay or visit
      1. Support for people with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder
        1. How to tell us about your care
      2. Help communicating with us
      3. NHS rainbow badge and lanyards
      4. Chaplaincy and pastoral care
  4. Services and wards

    1. Our wards
    2. Information about your care
    3. Your pregnancy
    4. Elective Orthopaedic Centre
    5. Join our research
      1. Patient research forum
  5. Visiting us

    1. Safety and security
    2. Finding us
      1. Central Middlesex Hospital
      2. Ealing Community Diagnostic Centre
      3. Ealing Hospital
      4. Northwick Park Hospital
      5. St. Mark's Hospital
      6. Willesden Eyecare Centre
    3. Car parking
      1. Frequent patient parking
      2. Ultra low emission zone (ULEZ)
    4. Transport and travel
    5. Visiting a friend or relative
      1. What to do after a bereavement
  6. Join team LNWH

    1. Our HEART values
    2. Our jobs
      1. Join our AMU team
      2. Join our elective orthopaedic team
    3. Nursing careers
      1. Return to practice
      2. Overseas nurses
      3. Capital nurses
    4. Work experience
    5. Temporary staffing
    6. Become a volunteer
    7. Your benefits
    8. Freedom to Speak Up
    9. Equity and diversity
    10. Staff Excellence Awards
  7. Contact us

    1. Tell us about your care
      1. Patient Advice and Liaison service (PALS)
      2. Complaints
      3. Call for concern
      4. Friends and family test
    2. Support our charities and friends
      1. LNWH Charity
      2. Ealing Hospital League of Friends
      3. Northwick Park Hospital League of Friends
      4. Radio Harrow
    3. Medicine advice
    4. Freedom of information (FOI) requests
    5. Press, media, and filming
  8. Referrers and professionals

    1. GP and primary care liaison
    2. Our electronic patient record information for referrers
    3. NHS e-Referral Service
    4. Other referral pathways
    5. Researchers
    6. Single point of access
    7. Safeguarding children and adults
      1. Safeguarding children
      2. Safeguarding adults
    8. Agency and locum EPR courses
    9. Formulary
  9. Sexual health services

  10. Your pregnancy and maternity care

    1. Refer yourself to our maternity services
    2. Your antenatal appointments and care
      1. Antenatal care pathways
      2. Checking your baby’s growth
      3. Monitoring your baby’s movements
      4. Preventing premature births
      5. Caring for you if you have diabetes
      6. Carbon monoxide testing
      7. Your mental wellbeing
      8. Supporting smoke-free pregnancies
      9. Preparing for parenthood
      10. Infant feeding classes
    3. Urgent care during your pregnancy
    4. Where to give birth
    5. Birth partners and support people
    6. Signs of labour
      1. Listening to your baby’s heart rate while you’re in labour
    7. Caesarean birth
      1. Recovering from your caesarean
    8. Getting comfortable during labour
      1. Pain relief during the early stages of labour
      2. Pain relief during labour
    9. Apps, books, and more information
    10. Guidelines and procedures
    11. Northwick Park Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP)
    12. Improving births
  11. North West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre

    1. Your surgery
      1. Joint school
      2. Online information and care
    2. Getting to the orthopaedic centre
    3. Help and feedback
    4. Our partnership