Get the right care for you

Choose the right place to get the right care for you. You will be seen quicker elsewhere and you’ll free up our teams to treat serious and life-threatening conditions.

Our A&E teammates are very busy, so please leave a space for someone else and wait on your own.

Not sure? Feeling unwell? Need to know where to go?

Call NHS 111 or visit when you need medical help fast but you’re not sure where to go, and it’s not a life-threatening emergency.

NHS 111 is open 24 hours a day throughout the year, and staffed by trained medical advisors.

They’ll ask you a couple of questions to direct you to the most appropriate care.

Look out for heatstroke

Keep safe during the hot weather. Stay hydrated, avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day, and try to keep your home cool.

If you feel unwell with a high temperature, it might be a sign of heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

  • Call NHS 111 if you're worried about heath exhaustion
  • Call 999 if you think you or someone else if suffering from heatstroke.

Some people are more at risk of heat-related illnesses, so check in on your neighbours if you can.

Grazed knees, coughs, colds and sore throat

Tummy troubles, headaches, or coughs and colds

Speak to your local pharmacist for advice about common illnesses and treatments.

Your local pharmacist is a highly trained healthcare professional, so they’re able to tell you about remedies for common problems such as tummy troubles, headaches, and coughs and colds. Some pharmacists can give you your flu jab, too.

Ongoing and long-term conditions, or illnesses and injuries that won’t go away

Make an appointment with your GP if you need:

  • advice about physical or mental health issues
  • diagnosis or treatment for a range of conditions
  • help with your long-term care
  • a referral to specialist or community-based care.

You may find your local practice also provides:

  • blood tests
  • wound care and dressing
  • some diabetes treatments.

Spotting the signs of sepsis in children

Out of hours GPs

You can book an out-of-hours appointment by calling your GP, or NHS 111 when they are closed.

You need to be registered with a GP, so find a practice close to you at

Out of hours dental care

If you need urgent dental care outside normal hours, visit to find out how you can see a dentist near you.

Mental health needs

If you need to speak to someone about your mental health, speak to your GP for advice on how to deal with your symptoms. They’ll be able to point to you towards therapies and treatments in your area.

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis

  • for Brent and Harrow, call 0800 0234 650
  • for Ealing, call 030 0123 4244

 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

In an emergency

If you or someone else is in immediate, life threatening danger, call 999.

Sprains, strains, and minor injuries

Your local walk-in centre or urgent care centre are here to treat minor injuries or illnesses that need urgent care, but not serious enough for A&E:

  • sprains and strains
  • minor broken bones
  • minor wound infections
  • minor burns and scalds
  • minor head injuries
  • minor eye injuries

You don’t need an appointment – just walk in and you’ll be seen by a nurse or doctor.