
Nurse Frankie, matron Alison recieve Holly's pamper product donation

Holly credits our team for saving son's life

We would like to say a huge thank you to Holly Blake who recently donated over £450 worth of Body Shop pamper products to our A&E teams and children’s ward Jack’s Place at Northwick Park Hospital.

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Dr Chima Oti, consultant anaesthetist

I took the Covid vaccine. Let's talk.

Dr Chima Oti, one of the consultant anaesthetists, writes about his experience during the pandemic, why he's had his vaccine, and why he's encouraging others to do the same.

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Ealing town hall exterior

West Ealing and Hanwell residents urged to have Covid-19 tests

Ealing Council are urging residents living and working in Hanwell and West Ealing to have a Covid-19 test – whether or not they have symptoms.

The testing programme is in response to the news that a resident in the area recently tested positive for the South African variant of Covid-19, and is designed to identify and contain any other cases that may be in the area.

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The text latest news in white on a blue background

False WhatsApp COVID-19 vaccine rumours

We’re aware of a WhatsApp voice message doing the rounds which claims, amongst other things, that our staff are having adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine.

This is completely false.

These types of rumours undermine the work of our frontline staff, cause more fear and panic in our communities, and could potentially undo all the effort we’ve all put into overcoming this awful virus.

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Thank you Christmas message banner from Sir Amyas and Chris

Thank you for your incredible support

On behalf of all the staff and volunteers working across Central Midddlesex, Ealing, Northwick Park and St Mark’s hospitals and those working in our community services, I would like to say a massive thank you for the overwhelming support that we have received during this most challenging of years.

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The text latest news in white on a blue background

Pausing planned procedures due to rise in Covid-19 numbers

Like the rest of the capital, hospitals across North West London are now very busy. At a sector and trust level, we’ve launched plans to care safely for this increase in patients and actions include standing up additional critical care capacity with some staff redeployed and on standby for redeployment to support patients. 

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School pupil presents 800 letters to Ealing Hospital

Ealing feels the love

A school pupil moved by a BBC report about the pressures facing NHS staff organised more than 800 letters of support to be delivered to her local hospital in Ealing.


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The text latest news in white on a blue background

National COVID-19 vaccine roll-out

This week,  the NHS is  starting to deliver the Covid-19 vaccine, in line with the government’s priority list of which people will get it first.

This is a very exciting development and we want to be clear about how it will work for local people.

The NHS will get in touch with you directly when it is your turn to be vaccinated.

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Liver specialist Dr Al-Rubaiy

Doctor highlights threat of liver disease

A local roadshow raising awareness of chronic liver disease (CLD) in Brent, Ealing and Harrow found the latter had the highest prevalence of viral hepatitis in London.

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