View of Wembley Stadium and surrounding areas from Harrow on the Hill

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Haravanti Kotecha and her sons at home
Home help for patients

A hospital team helping keep patients out of hospital came to the aid of former seamstress Haravanti Kotecha who was housebound by badly swollen legs.…

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Image of penicillin tablets.
New allergy testing service offers all clear for penicillin

LNWH clinicians and pharmacists have published a medical paper describing a safe method for testing for penicillin allergy in inpatients who believe that they are allergic.…

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Poetry is now on permanent display at CMH
Poems for the Waiting Room

Central Middlesex Hospital has hosted the launch of the latest collection of ‘Poems for the Waiting Room’ giving patients and visitors the chance to enjoy a variety of bi-lingual poems ref…

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