Breast service
Our breast service team see over 7000 new patients, and treat over 400 new cancers a year. They work closely with the North London Breast Screening Unit.
Telephone number: 020 8235 4200
Location: Central Middlesex, Ealing and Northwick Park and St Mark's Hospitals
Division: Integrated Clinical Services
General manager: Rizwan Maniar
About the breast service
Our breast service team see over 7000 new patients, and treat over 400 new cancers a year. They work closely with the North London Breast Screening Unit.
We run our breast service across all three of our sites, but all our surgery is performed in a state of the art facility at Central Middlesex Hospital.
Our team offer all kinds of oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery except for free flaps, for which we work in partnership with Charing Cross Hospital.
They are national leaders in offering with daycase surgery (surgery which doesn’t need you to be admitted to hospital overnight), and for their MRI and mammoteme biopsy work.
The team are made up of a wide range of enthusiastic and committed healthcare professionals who meet every week to discuss how best to care for you.
How to refer to the breast service
GPs can refer to the breast service via eRS two week wait (2WW).