Our gastroenterology service looks after you if you have inflammatory bowel disease, functional bowel disorders, nutritional disorders or hepatobiliary disorders.
Location: Ealing, Northwick Park Hospital and St. Mark's at Central Middlesex Hospitals
Division: Surgery
General manager: Ann Lewis
About our gastroenterology service
Our gastroenterology service is an internationally renowned centre of clinical excellence. We run clinics at the Trust's four hospitals, and provide an extensive range of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services. We'll see you whether you're local to our Trust, or come from outside our local area and have been nationally referred to us.
We care for you both as an outpatient and as an inpatient for:
- inflammatory bowel diseases
- functional bowel disorders
- nutritional disorders
- hepatobiliary disorders.
We also have a world renowned endoscopic service, which offers both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies.
Conditions cared for by gastroenterology
Our inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) service offers multidisciplinary care from physicians, surgeons, specialist nurses, dieticians and paediatricians. We also run a transition clinic for young people with IBD. Our services are based in the centre of excellence at St Mark's Hospital, which is celebrating its 175th anniversary of outstanding services to patients with bowel diseases.
Our functional bowel disease service offers physiological testing and input from our specialist nurses for a whole range of functional disorders. We are unique in offering you biofeedback services and psychological support.
Our intestinal failure unit care for you if you have a nutritional disorder, including supporting you with parenteral nutrition at home.
Our hepatobiliary service can diagnose and treat you for a wide variety of liver and biliary disorders, including viral hepatitis. We also have an endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) service.
The Wolfson endoscopy unit is the largest in the UK, and performs over 20,000 procedures each year. In 1996, it was established as a National Centre for Endoscopy and offers diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies. We were awarded National Training Status in 2005, and since 2007, we have been recognised as a World Centre of Excellence by the World Organization of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. We are the only Centre in the UK to be recognised in this way. Our unit offers:
- gastroscopy
- colonoscopy
- flexible sigmoidoscopy
- capsule enteroscopy
- double balloon enteroscopy
- advanced polypectomy
We also have an endoscopy unit based at Central Middlesex Hospital site, which we are currently expanding.
We perform bowel cancer screening, including flexible-sigmoidoscopy screening, and also host the London hub for bowel cancer screening.