Charity offering heart to heart support
Mohinder Kalsi was repeatedly told his chest pains were indigestion until he was rushed to hospital in the small hours with a suspected heart attack.
It felt like history repeating itself.
Mohinder’s father, grandfather and two uncles had heart attacks but he had always been sensible about his diet and exercise since his sisters - both nurses - warned their brother of the increased risk of heart disease among the Asian community.
“It knocks you out of your stride,” says the retired engineer who lives in Ealing and found one of his greatest aids to recovery was meeting with people who had lived through a similar experience.
Mohinder found himself wanting to give something back and joined Heartlink, a local charity providing advice and support to people living with heart conditions, especially those undergoing or recovering from hospital treatment.
The group, which now has more than 200 members, was originally set up with the support of Ealing cardiologist Jaspal Kooner who saw the value of a support network outside hospital.
This autonomy recently took another step forward with a pilot encouraging patients to self-monitor their condition at home and send the results to heart failure nurses via an app.
Mohinder said: “I can’t fault the medical staff. They have been so caring and kind but they don’t have the personal experience of living with a heart condition and the physical and mental challenges that can bring.
“Heartlink makes you realise you aren’t alone. I really enjoy volunteering and helping people realise that life goes on.”
Heartlink meet on the first Thursday of every month at 6.30pm in the Post Graduate Lecture Room, Level Three, Ealing Hospital. This service is open to people across north east London.
For information, see www.ealingheartgroup.co.uk or ring 07518 569380 .