Community treatment for patients
Patients arriving at Northwick Park’s Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) with minor illnesses are being assessed by a senior clinician and, where appropriate, redirected to community hubs like GP surgeries and pharmacies for treatment.
The initiative is led by Harrow Health GP Federation, alongside with LNWH, the urgent treatment centre, and the CCG. It aims to ease pressure on one of the capital’s busiest UTC as the next wave of the pandemic looms.
The initiative successfully re-directed more than 130 patients to alternative care settings in its first two days of operation.
Clinical commissioning group commissioners are supporting the pilot ensuring additional capacity is available for patients to access booked appointments in the community.
Norrita Labastide, the trust’s Divisional Director of Operations for Emergency and Ambulatory Care, said: “It’s already having a positive impact on reducing the number of admissions and we hope to see these community redirects increase as the front-of house team settles in.
“People often come to the UTC and A&E without realising there are often quicker alternatives for the treatment of minor ailments and injuries such as pharmacies whose role has increased significantly in recent years.”
Northwick Park UTC and A&E collectively see more than 800 patients a day with attendance figure rising steeply in recent months.
Lisa Henschen, Managing Director for Harrow, said: “this is a great example of the NHS coming together; getting Harrow citizens the care they need, whilst supporting our local hospital over this very busy period.”
The front of house service also provides advice on dental problems and prescriptions.