Doctors find right prescription to get people back to work
Doctors working in Occupational Health (OH) are helping the long-term sick back into work.
The new care pathway sees people referred by their GPs to OH clinicians like Dr Shriti Pattani who works at Northwick Park Hospital in London.
Dr Pattani devised the pathway after her own experience as a GP when she had the tools but not the time to help patients.
“It isn’t rocket science but you need time to get to the crux of the problem and find practical solutions that work for both the individual and their employer.
“An example would be a secretary whose knee pain prevents her getting into work during rush hour because she can’t stand for long periods but would be OK once she is in the office.”
A comprehensive assessment of the individuals health, their level of functioning and comparing that with the job they do is the basis of a Fitness to Work assessment.
Shriti added: “Sometimes its about adjusting a job so it can be done differently and asking how that would practically work for the benefit of both the individual and the employer.”
“We have an A&E nurse who went from being able-bodied to being in a wheelchair after a road traffic accident. We explored what she could and couldn’t do and found a workaround which means she is now back in work.
The pilot is hoping to attract government support and is already establishing itself in primary care and with musculoskeletal hubs in secondary care.