Emergency streaming pod improves patient flow | Latest news

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Emergency streaming pod improves patient flow

A new streaming pod at Northwick Park Hospital is helping to improve the emergency care of patients arriving by ambulance. The pod enables doctors and nurses to direct patients to the appropriate assessment area rather than going through the Emergency Department.

Crucially, during the COVID-19 outbreak the pod will ensure that emergency patients with respiratory conditions are kept apart from those with non-respiratory conditions.

Dr Martin Kuper, Medical Director, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “This development means that ambulances arriving at Northwick Park can be streamed directly to the right care pathway within the hospital including the urgent care centre, ambulatory care, surgical assessment unit and stroke unit.

“Our long-term aim is for surgical and same day emergency care patients not to come through A&E, so streaming is likely to continue after the COVID-19 outbreak.”


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