Home help for patients
A hospital team helping keep patients out of hospital came to the aid of former seamstress Haravanti Kotecha who was housebound by badly swollen legs.
The 89-year-old would have faced almost daily trips to and from hospital for up to a fortnight for treatment but became the first patient in north-west London to benefit from a new community service allowing a higher-than normal dose of a drug to be administered twice a day at home.
Devaneson Robert, Service Manager for the Short Term Assessment, Rehabilitation and Reablement Service (STARRS) at Northwick Park, said: “It's good experience for the patient to be treated at home as they didn’t have to come into hospital for treatment.
Rico Dimaano, Clinical Nurse Lead for STARRS, added: “The high dosage is something that can only be administered once its agreed and signed off by a consultant.
“We are a hospital-based community service so fortunately have access to that clinical expertise with the support of a heart failure virtual ward consultant and clinical nurse specialist.”
Mrs Kotecha, who lives with her two sons Sandip and Sailesh in Sudbury Hill, is now recovered with ongoing support from her GP. Sandip said:
“It was a great relief to find the nurse would come and see mum at home.”