Hospital fast track for pregnant people | Latest news

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New fast track maternity initiative

Hospital fast track for pregnant people

Women with pregnancy related concerns are being seen faster with the introduction of a new triaging system at Northwick Park Hospital.

The maternity department has been improving its working practices since a CQC inspection in 2021.

Women are welcomed within 15 minutes of arrival by a midwife and maternity support worker and assessed by a midwife using a ‘traffic light’ system reflecting the urgency of their condition and need for treatment. Pre-printed forms help speed up the process.

A&E matron Laura Norman is helping maternity introduce the Birmingham Symptom Specific Obstetric Triage System as part of a year-long secondment with the trust’s transformation team.

 “The maternity team is keen to provide a better, safer more personal service and this is an effective way of ensuring pregnant people with potential complications are seen quickly.”

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