Maternity services improving | Latest news

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A mother cradles her new baby in Northwick Park's maternity unit

Maternity services improving

Northwick Park Hospital’s Maternity Unit took another step forward with the publication of a national survey asking patients what they thought of the service.

The trust, which currently has a ‘requires improvement’ rating with the Care Quality Commission, jumped from 25th to 17th place in a national table of maternity units that took part in the annual Picker survey.

The picker survey results for Northwick Park’s were well above the Picker average.

The three stand-out scores were women and birthing people being treated with kindness and compassion during birth (98%), having confidence and trust in staff during labour and birth (95%) and doctors and midwives being aware of medical histories (90%).

Caroline Macrae, Director of Midwifery and Gynaecology at LNWH Trust, said: “It’s encouraging that this validation has come from our service users and reflects the hard work our staff have put in since the last inspection by the Care Quality Commission.

"A lot remains to be done but everyone should be proud of how far we have come in the past couple of years."


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