Maternity unit win award for tackling Cerebral Palsy
A group of maternity units including Northwick Park has won a national award for preventing Cerebral Palsy in babies born prematurely.
The PReCePT Programme (Preventing Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Babies) offered an injection of Magnesium Sulphate during labour which reduced the likelihood of cerebral palsy in one in every 42 mothers who received this treatment when giving birth under 30 weeks of gestation.
The joint initiative was led by Imperial College Health Partners along with maternity units including Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital, Hillingdon Hospitals FT and West Middlesex University Hospital.
The £1 injection saves the NHS an estimated £1.6m as well as the personal cost to individuals and their families.
Dr Bonilla Nayar, consultant obstetrician and local clinical lead for Precept Project, said: “Only 60% of eligible mothers were receiving the injection prior to the programme across the sector which subsequently rose to more than 90% through awareness, education and training. Our mantra was think magnesium sulphate when giving steroids to preterm births.
"The huge success of this collaborative work is testament to the team work and effort of our hardworking midwives, obstetricians and neonatal team. At Northwick Park we strive to deliver excellent maternal and neonatal outcomes. The maternity team is really proud to be the recipient of this prestigious award."
PReCePT won the Best Partnership Solution category at the Patient Safety Awards 2020.