Meet the Peregrines | Latest news

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Baby peregrines

Meet the Peregrines

Ealing Hospital’s peregrines are now the proud parents of three babies.

The high-living family are currently living on a top floor window ledge on the north-eastern corner of the building after the birds of prey decided to make it their home

Ealing Wildlife Group (EWG) have been keeping an eagle eye on developments in recent months with local vet Sean McCormack given special permission to access the building’s roof and confirm the new arrivals.

“It’s very exciting although the mother let her concern known by being very vocal while she wheeled overhead. We recently put rings on their legs so we can keep track of them when they fly the nest.”

Peregrines find tall buildings with largely inaccessible roof space an ideal home along with a ready supply of food in the shape of London’s pigeon and parakeet population.

Sean added: “Peregrines are highly territorial and mate for life so it is great they have settled here. Their nearest neighbours are in Southall with a further pair west in Brentford.”

EWG is involved in a number of local conservation projects which includes the proposed reintroduction of beavers to the UK with the group applying for a license for a controlled enclosure trail at Paradise Fields in North Greenford.

Photo credit: Sean McCormark.

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