
Mustafa Mohamed is one of 300 floorwalkers who have been supporting staff during the switchover to electronic patient records

Mustafa helps keep trust in the pink

Here comes Pink Man. Quick. Grab him!” was an oft repeated phrase Mustafa Mohamed heard at the beginning of the Cerner EPR rollout as clinical staff sought help with the switchover to electronic patient records.

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New head of chaplaincy Service Riz Rawat promies to ring in new changes

Love, laughter and tears

Imam Rizwan Rawat brings a big smile and plenty of enthusiasm to his new job as the new head of the chaplaincy service.

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a person using a laptop from home

Join our 2023 Annual General Meeting from you sofa

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online on 27 September from 3pm to 4.30pm, and everyone’s welcome to attend. During our AGM, you’ll hear our reflections on the year just gone, and our plans for the coming year.

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Ealing Hospital building

Café looks for volunteers

Ealing Hospital League of Friends (ELoF) is looking for volunteers to work in its café for up to three hours a week.

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