
Specialist nurse Katy Hyams outside Ealing Hospital

Life-saving liver scan

A twice-yearly scan could save the lives of thousands of Londoners from the fastest rising cancer in the UK.

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Brian Watkins sits at a table holding a smart phone showing the talking library app

Talking Library appeals for new voices

“You want to sound like you are sitting in someone’s living room talking to them,” says Brian Watkins suggesting the mellifluous tone to adopt as a newsreader with Ealing Talking Newspaper (ETN).

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Kabiri Ogundipe collecting his Porter of the Year Award.

Kabiru crowned king of the porters

Northwick Park porter Kabiru Ogundipe has been voted Porter of the Year at the annual MyPorter awards which celebrate the work of non-clinical staff.

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A mother cradles her newborn at Northwick Park

Birthing centre reopens

Northwick Park Hospital’s Birth Centre is back in the baby business after a major refurbishment.

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ELocal charity Heartlink carry out free heart checks on local driver in Ealing

Charity help drivers tick over with free health checks

A local charity that raises awareness of heart disease ensured lorry drivers were ticking over when they provided free blood pressure and heart rhythm checks for more than 30 employees at the Hayes depot of Quattro (UK) Ltd in Southall Lane.

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A mother cradles her new baby in Northwick Park's maternity unit

Maternity services improving

Northwick Park Hospital’s Maternity Unit took another step forward with the publication of a national survey asking patients what they thought of the service.

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