Prone rangers ride to rescue
They call themselves the prone rangers and have been helping those less fortunate than themselves during the pandemic.
The majority of proners - who help turn intensive care patients onto their chests at regular intervals to aid breathing - comprise of allied health professionals.
However, an appeal for volunteer proners to help cover evening and weekend shifts during the second wave attracted people like finance chief Jacquie Armstrong and A&E pharmacist Ronak Dodhia who underwent basic training.
“It was a one-in-a million opportunity and a great privilege to help,” said Dodhia who joined the trust last October.
The finance team has also been supporting clinical colleagues during the past year including Jackie Armstrong who has been involved in helping move patients, working at the vaccination centre, and spending two months with the proning teams.
Jackie said: “I just wanted to help out where I could. I was apprehensive going into intensive care for the first time but you just get on with it."