Routine HIV and hepatitis testing in A&E
From Monday 16 May, if you’re 16 or over you will automatically be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C when blood is taken at Ealing and Northwick Park hospitals A&E. You can opt-out if you prefer.
The initiative, which is supported by Fast-Track Cities London in collaboration with NHS England, has been rolled out across all London emergency departments to help with the early diagnosis and support people with additional blood borne viruses.
Dr Dawn Friday, Consultant physician in GUM/HIV medicine said:
“It is great to see Ealing and Northwick Park Hospital emergency departments are part of this pan-London initiative which share the vision of universal opt out testing for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C and the elimination of blood borne viruses.”
Recent @UKHSA data showed that almost half (42%) of people diagnosed with HIV in England in 2020 were diagnosed late.
HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are blood-borne viruses that are all now easily treated once diagnosed. Treatment is life-saving and free from the NHS. With medication you can expect to live long and well and it helps stop passing it on too.
For more information visit Fast-Track Cities website.