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A delegation from the Royal College of Surgeons at Central Middlesex Hospital

Royal visit by surgeons

The Trust welcomed a high-powered delegation from the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE) who visited LNWH Trust to see at first hand the surgical challenges facing teams on a day-to-day basis.

This included visits to the newly opened Elective Orthopaedic Centre at Central Middlesex Hospital, St Mark’s Hospital and the new North-West London Breast and Urology centres at Northwick Park.

President Tim Mitchell, who is also an ENT surgeon, also met with the maxillofacial and ENT teams and trainees.

The delegation included the RCSE President, Vice President, Regional Directors, and council members and trustees including Bhavin Visavadia who is also a consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Northwick Park. 

Mr Visavadia said: "This was a great opportunity to showcase the progress being made in surgery and critical care. 

"Our clinicians were proud to demonstrate their delivery of excellent training and research as well as advanced technology such as robotics.”

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