School’s ‘thank you’ book to hospital | Latest news

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Year six teacher Gina Brown presenting a book of thanks to trust chief executive Chris Bown

School’s ‘thank you’ book to hospital

Pupils from St Anselms Catholic Primary School in Harrow showed their appreciation for Northwick Park Hospital by presenting a book of thanks to trust chief executive Chris Bown.

Year Six teacher Gina Brown handed over the book which contained personal messages from more than 400 pupils many of who have parents who work at the hospital.

It was presented as part of the hospital’s 50th anniversary.  

The school remained opened during the first wave of the pandemic for the children of key workers.

It was part of a series of local projects pupils had been given to work on including the development of ‘metro-land,’ the name given to suburban areas like Middlesex that were served by the Metropolitan Line.

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