Study on post-natal depression among men | Latest news

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A Northwick Park doctor has published a study on post-natal depression among men

Study on post-natal depression among men

Post-natal depression (PND) is well documented among women but a trust researcher has highlighted its impact on men in an interview with GQ magazine.

PND is thought to affect as many as 10-15% of women but its impact on men is less studied and reported upon with research suggesting depression affects 8% -10% of fathers during their partner’s pregnancy and one year after birth.

Dr Sharin Baldwin has written about men with post-natal depression Dr Sharin Baldwin’s New Dad study interviewed 21 new fathers and the impact having a new born had on their lives.  

Dr Baldwin said: “Years ago, men were mainly the breadwinners, they had little to do with child-rearing. Now, things are very different.

“We have stay-at-home dads, we have same-sex couples and the role of the father has changed a lot. But when it comes to looking at fathers’ mental health and wellbeing, there’s very little research… and very little support.”

A common theme was that new fathers felt they had to cope alone and didn’t want to trouble their partners, while others were perceived as being weak or failing to provide for their families.

Dr Baldwin’s study also highlighted the fact that men weren’t asked about how they felt during visits by health visitors and they wanted to be asked questions about mental health and wellbeing and offered the same level of support, as women.

You can read the full article in GQ magazine here.

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