Thank you for your incredible support
On behalf of all the staff and volunteers working across Central Midddlesex, Ealing, Northwick Park and St Mark’s hospitals and those working in our community services, we would like to say a massive thank you for the overwhelming support that we have received during this most challenging of years.
The many acts of kindness from residents, businesses, schools, colleges, charities, GPs, dentists and community pharmacies have been amazing. Your generosity has been incredible, and the NHS simply could not do what we do without you.
The rise in Covid-19 cases across London means that this winter will be a major challenge for the NHS. However, please be assured that our services remain open for you and plans are in place to keep all of our patients, both Covid and non-Covid, and staff safe.
As we approach the end of 2020 the good news is that the NHS has started to deliver the Covid-19 vaccine. This is a crucial step in the fight against the pandemic. The NHS has a priority list for those receiving the vaccine and people will be contacted when it is their turn.
With London now in Tier 4 it is crucial that people follow the rules and, when out of your home, please remember to leave space, cover your face and wash your hands regularly.
This festive season will be like no other but, as we look ahead to a new year, there is every reason to be optimistic that 2021 will see the tide turn in the fight against Covid.
To all the vibrant communities and diverse cultures that make north west London such a unique place to live and work we wish you a happy and a safe Christmas.
Sir Amyas Morse, Chair and Chris Bown, Chief Executive