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Nurse Eugenia Badu has won a national nursing award

The Rising Star

Eugenia Badu will only have one man on her arm when she attends the Royal College of Nursing’s Rising Star Awards later this month.

“My dad has been my biggest inspiration,” said the 26-year-old who was nominated by colleagues for ‘consistently going above and beyond for her patients’ on Gaskell Ward.

Her first experience of caring was looking after an ageing relative and her father’s career as a mental health nurse inspired her to follow suit.

“I’ve wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember and am so proud my dad is coming with me to the awards. He’s been with me every step of the way encouraging and supporting me since I was a young girl.” 

Eugenia's experience working on a respiratory ward comes in handy when working bank shifts elsewhere in the hospital where her comfort with carrying out tracheostomies and using equipment like oxygen delivery devices is welcomed by colleagues. 

“Clinical skill is only part of my job as a nurse. Empathy, compassion and making my patients smile is equally important.”

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