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Trust appeal to patients

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust is urging all those who need care and treatment to access NHS services.

The Trust, which provides care to a population of over one million across Brent, Ealing and Harrow, has been at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19.

At the same time many of its services, including maternity and stroke, have continued to provide care while thousands of patients have accessed virtual outpatient appointments via phone and video call.

Dr Martin Kuper, Trust Medical Director, warns that people who delay getting treatment could be putting their long-term health at risk.

Dr Kuper said: “It is important to remember that the NHS is there for everyone and not only those with coronavirus.  If you or a family member have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, are worried about the health of a child or are concerned about conditions such as cancer you should seek help. For urgent care people can contact their GP or NHS 111 and in an emergency call 999.

“Anyone who is advised to go to hospital will be given the care they need. The Trust has measures in place to ensure patients with non-Covid-19 conditions are cared for safely.

“For example, ambulances arriving at Northwick Park Hospital are streamed directly to the appropriate care pathway within the hospital including the urgent care centre, ambulatory care, surgical assessment unit and diagnostic imaging for stroke patients.

“In addition, virtual outpatient clinics, introduced in response to the Covid-19 outbreak, are proving popular with clinicians and patients.”


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