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The trust has been shortlisted for an HSJ award fro racial equality

Trust shortlisted for award

LNWH has been shortlisted for a Health Service Journal Award for championing race equality.

The trust published its commitment to be an anti-racist organisation in 2023 to better meet the needs of its global majority community and workforce.

Improvements include new staff networks, changes to policies and practices including recruitment and disciplinary procedures, and an Equity Index ensuring the quality of patient care offered is consistent regardless of factors, such as gender, ethnicity, disability and social and economic circumstances.

The trust also hosted its first Equality, Diversity and Inclusion festival (EDI) and held a sickle cell patient forum. 

As a result, a previously static EDI score on the National Staff Survey for four years saw the trust ranked in the top quartile in 2022-23.

The Health Service Journal will announce the winners on November 21.

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