Virtual ward helps reduce diabetes readmissions | Latest news

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The work of the diabetes virtual ward has been praised by national initiative Getting It Right First Time

Virtual ward helps reduce diabetes readmissions

A national improvement programme has highlighted the positive impact virtual wards are having on diabetes patients in North-West London.

Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) presented its findings to staff at LNWH Trust which was the first hospital trust to introduce a virtual award for diabetes two years ago.

The ward remotely monitors patients who have been discharged from hospital for up to a fortnight providing advice and support.

GRIFT reported that North-West London had the lowest hospital readmission rates for hypoglycaemic patients in the UK with LNWH the best performing of the trusts.

Dr. Elaine Hui, a Consultant Physician at Northwick Park Hospital, said: “It was exciting to get external validation that the virtual ward is having a positive impact on patients’ health.

“It’s been a team effort with our colleagues in A&E and acute medicine and we are now looking at extending this preventative approach into care homes in the future.”

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