Volunteer who lights up lives | Latest news

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Beryl Carr, volunteer

Volunteer who lights up lives

Centenarian Beryl Carr has been presented with a Points of Light Award by Downing Street for her work as a hospital volunteer.

Points of Light recognize volunteers who are positively making a change to their community.

Beryl celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year and still comes in one day a week to volunteer at the Friends of Ealing Hospital Café.

Beryl started working in the Friends Café as a sprightly 80 year-old in 2003 preparing food and working on the till.

“I’ve made a fair few sandwiches in my time but I really enjoy the social side of it. I can’t think of anything worse than being stuck in front of the TV all day.

“The great thing about volunteering is that you are helping other people but in funny way you are helping yourself as well.”

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