Volunteers week 2021: Annette
Annette Weinberg, meet and greet volunteer joined us in December 2017.
She returned to volunteering, carrying out screening checks, but took on another role at the Hive Vaccination Centre based at Barnet FC in Edgware when it opened in December 2020.
"I work in three to four hour shifts and there are lots of different roles for volunteers to take on. I help manage the car park and take those less able into the centre, either by accompanying them on the walk in or by pushing a wheelchair to help their carer.
"Once inside the vaccination centre we may help with registration, hand sanitising and ensuring that we all are wearing adequate face masks and that they are properly fitted. We monitor visitors, ensuring they are registered, socially distanced in the waiting areas, and taken to get their vaccine as swiftly as possible.
"We also monitor them in the observation area for 15 minutes after their jab, to ensure there are is no adverse reaction before they go home. We often chat to visitors, so they feel at ease, and help them to leave the building safely.
"Many people have complimented about how well the centre is run. The lead doctor and volunteers have been part of a key instrumental team in setting up and organising this centre. They are to be congratulated on the huge amount of work and effort they have put in, and are still putting in, to ensure the smooth running of this vaccination centre. It is really great fun and all the people I have worked with are interesting and committed to helping do whatever is needed at any time.”