Watford roadworks put traffic in a jam
Yesterday (Monday 13 November), Brent Council closed off the junction on the Watford Road as part of their planned roadworks. This caused huge levels of unintended traffic on the road itself and on the Northwick Park Hospital site.
We apologise for the enormous disruption the traffic caused.
We’re working with both Brent Council and Transport for London to resolve the issue as rapidly as possible.
We have asked for immediate changes to traffic management in this area, which we hope will improve the situation.
We cannot introduce these changes ourselves as we don’t have responsibility for public roads. However, we will work closely with both teams to improve traffic flow on the site as best we can.
Drivers can continue to access the front of the maternity unit as normal. We know that this area was congested yesterday, and this is one of the areas for which we are seeking an urgent resolution.
Access to our site from the south (from Wembley or Sudbury) has improved slightly because cars can now turn right into the site.
However, you cannot access our main entrance or maternity unit from this junction: you must still circle the Kenton roundabout.
We’ll keep this page updated with any news.