Welcoming our new Associate Non-executive Directors | Latest news

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New associate NEDs Huda As’ad, a chartered civil engineer, Kingsley Peter, a Chartered Certified Accountant, Dr Syed Mohinuddin, a consultant neonatologist

Welcoming our new Associate Non-executive Directors

We have appointed three associate non-executive directors (NEDs) to support the Board’s succession strategy, and to help achieve a balance of Board level skills and diversity.

The three appointees are Huda As’ad, a chartered civil engineer with over 16 years’ experience in the construction and infrastructure market, Kingsley Peter, a Chartered Certified Accountant with extensive experience at senior management level and Dr Syed Mohinuddin, a consultant neonatologist who has worked in the NHS for over 20 years.

Welcoming the appointments Sir Amyas Morse, Trust board chair, said: “Huda, Kingsley, and Syed each bring with them significant experience of engaging with the diverse social, economic and cultural groups served by the Trust. They will also be able to provide valuable cultural insights from diverse cultural groups.

Associate NEDs are non-voting members of the Board but may be considered for appointment as a voting NED on the Board in future, should a vacancy arise, and they have the appropriate skills.

We’re delighted to welcome Huda, Kingsley and Syed and look forward to working with them.

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