What a scoop! | Latest news

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The league of friends at Northwick Park celebrate raising money for two new scoop stretchers to help falls' patients

What a scoop!

Northwick Park League of Friends (LOF) didn’t hang about when asked to fund equipment to help move patients with a suspected spinal injury or hip fracture following a fall.

Ursula Abiodun, clinical nurse specialist for falls, said: “We care for an aging population who have the highest risk of falls. Some patients may fall in hospital due to the strange environment, their medical conditions or confusion, despite the safety measures in place.

“When I submitted a funding application to LOF, they approved it in principle in four days, which was great. The scoops will be available to all wards or departments where patients are suspected to have sustained a spinal injury or hip fracture following a fall.”

Would you like help purchasing equipment in your area? For more information contact the LOF at Northwick Park and Ealing hospitals, see weare.lnwh.nhs.uk/lof/  

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