Penny celebrates 38 years as a midwife
Harrow’s busiest community midwife has championed home births for more than 20 years saying it is still a great privilege to be present when a new baby arrives.
Penny celebrates 38 years as a midwifeHarrow’s busiest community midwife has championed home births for more than 20 years saying it is still a great privilege to be present when a new baby arrives.
Penny celebrates 38 years as a midwifeEaster bunnies Mamta and Vasha Joshi brought a smile to the faces of children and staff at Northwick Park Hospital when they donated more than 500 Easter eggs.
Sisters donate 500 Easter eggs to hospital
It was third time lucky for healthcare assistant Anna Busse when she applied to train as a nurse.
Midlife career change gives Anna new lease of lifeAre you passionate about the NHS and would like to use your experience to help shape healthcare across North West London?
NHS trust looking for new non-executive directorRadio Harrow presenter David Stone says going on air literally saved his life.
Hospital radio helped me tune into a better lifeApril is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. More than 40,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year in the UK making it the fourth most common cancer in the UK. We talk to cancer survivor Alan Kleinman who says a positive attitude helped him pull through.
Patient praises cancer team for saving his life