Other referral pathways
Some of our services and clinics accept referrals from non-GP referrers, teaching professionals, or parents or guardians. Some services accept paper referrals for clinically urgent cases only.
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy in Ealing
To refer a patient, please email us your referral.
Read our referral advice and MSK pathways for health professionals [pdf] 893KB
We also offer GP-guided self-referral. These are some of our frequently asked questions asked by GPs.
Can a patient self-refer for an urgent appointment?
No. Patients can only self-refer for routine appointments after consultation and agreement with you, their GP. If your patient meets our criteria for urgent referral, please refer them as usual.
What is the read code to be added into the notes of the GP consultation?
Please use the code XaXBF in your patient record.
We are not a SystmOne practice – can our patients self-refer?
Currently, if you don't use SystmOne, your patients won't be able to self-refer. This is because at the moment, our self-referral process needs us to access your patient's electronic record, so that we can see the consultation date and confirm that the read code has been entered.
However, our providers are working on a solution which would allow us to view EMIS through SystmOne, which we hope will overcome this problem in the future.
What if my patient does not consent to share their electronic record with you?
The patient cannot self-refer, so you must refer them yourself as usual.
Will self-referral patients be seen more quickly than when a referral is sent via email?
No. All our routine physiotherapy patients are seen in waiting list order.